
Leafy Bones

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Waltzing the void

I am being the coward I loathed,
shady under my clothed
the beds re-made day to day,
scratching as old leaves fall;
my body is always in autumn.

Certainty heavy,
I already miss,
I simply do not know what to do.

But I know I cannot commit to problems
and I know I cannot commit to solutions.
I am an allusion amidst the mirror,
but the host
is unrecognisable.

This is my post for the Gooseberry Garden and DVerse Poets, I'm afraid it's miscellaneous really, but here it is anyhow. Thank you for reading :) x


  1. nice capture of feeling and where you find yourself...feels rather adrift with out direction...

  2. I love the honesty of this. I'd love to invite you to link it to the prompt that I'm offering tomorrow at 4PM PST--it fits so well. Victoria

  3. indecisiveness is a terrible dance to lead, nice one

  4. Wandering in limbo not knowing what to do. Poem hints of a searching soul. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. my body is always is autumn - very thought-provoking.
